Mother Africa


Mother Africa - Live And stream

This site is a short info about our streaming service. All free to use.

Please contact us, it´s easy to use and ready to go.

Stream your dream..

And make money out of it.

The most of the African culture, music, fashion, art, lecturer and influencer entrepreneurs today are local and consumed locally. Most also watched, streamed for free.

We collaborate with a qualitative streaming provider that has all that is needed as a concept for you as creator to be online for free, with possibility to make money.

Visit us at VOYD streamingservice: Mother Africa Live & Stream

We want you!

Mother Africa Live & Stream want contacts with culture, music, fashion, art, lecturers, influencers and all other kind of entrepreneurs that want to reach a new audience for their videos, live performances.

Mother Africa Live & Stream

Its ready to air, to stream..

Possible format to stream today: .mov .mp4 .mkv .avi .webm

The creator must own the right to their culture-, music-, lecture-, videos or livestreaming that they want to put up via Mother Africa Live & Stream. The creator also must have an ambition to make money out of their videos, live streams.

Mother Africa Live & Stream

Mother Africa Live & Stream

Mother Africa Live & Stream